MERS® eMortgage Webinars: Watch now

Federal Home Loan Banks and the MERS® eRegistry

The 11 Federal Home Loan Banks are paving the way for its members to pledge eNotes as eligible collateral. As member‐owned cooperatives, the Federal Home Loan Banks understand the value and benefits that eNotes provide. Each individual FHLBank has its own systems, processes, and policies regarding collateral, and implementation timelines of accepting eNotes as collateral will vary.

Webcast Available On-Demand

A Spotlight on eNote Processes for Federal Home Loan Bank Members

During this webinar, representatives from MERSCORP Holdings and the FHLBanks will share information about key eNote concepts, requirements for pledging eNotes as collateral to the FHLBanks and steps needed to be eligible to pledge your eNotes. You’ll also learn about MERS® System Membership requirements, including a type designed for Federal Home Loan Bank Members.

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