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Find Your Servicer with MERS® ServicerID

MERS® ServicerID is a free service that provides the current servicer and investor (owner of the note) for loans registered on the MERS® System.

Access to MERS® ServicerID is available by:

  • Dialing the toll-free number at (888) 679-6377 or by accessing the online service by selecting the button:


Borrowers can search for servicer information one of three ways:
  • By property address
  • By the borrower's name and social security number
  • Or with the unique Mortgage Identification Number (MIN) on the mortgage or deed of trust signed at closing. Don't worry if you don't know the MIN as it's not required.
To obtain investor information, you will be asked to verify certain identifying information and check the box that confirms you are the borrower or the borrower's authorized representative.